Agility Features

Mobile Inspections
Our Mobile Inspection feature integrates with the Inspection Manager component of PHA-Web to assist your agency's inspectors in completing inspections of units on a mobile device, helping streamline your inspection process. The mobile software is both device and browser agnostic.

Perform Real-Time Inspections

Create Work Orders From Inspections

1.125M+ Mobile Inspections Conducted

Mobile Work Orders
Our Mobile Work Order features is optional and integrates with the Work Order Manager component of PHA-Web, allowing your maintenance staff to complete work orders on a mobile device, and eliminate paperwork order forms. The mobile software is both device and browser agnostic.

Save Time and Paper

Attach Photos in Real Time

Results Uploaded Directly to PHA-Web

Signature Collection
The Signature Collection software is an optional component of PHA-Web that provides the ability to collect electronic signatures from tenants and landlords. These documents are stored in our Document Imaging Manager.

Capture Electronic Signatures

Device Agnostic

Send Text and Email Notifications