We offer both onsite and online training options for all agencies. All training, whether conducted onsite or online, is tailored to meet the specific needs of your agency and is performed by a fully-qualified PHA-Web trainer.
Onsite training sends one or two of our trainers directly to your agency’s office, allowing for more personalized and dedicated instruction. All classes include lecture, followed by hands-on training, along with question-and-answer sessions.
Online training is performed via Zoom with your agency and one of our trainers. This option allows you and your team to get the training you need, when you need it, and allows for a more budget-friendly approach due to the absence of travel expenses.
We offer the flexibility to schedule training for your agency based on your agency’s needs and requirements. If you find down the road you need additional training or have a new employee you’d like to get up to speed on PHA-Web, we also offer ad-hoc training for an affordable, flat fee.


Cost Effective Options

Continued Training