Portability Manager

The Portability Manager assists housing authorities in managing portable tenants in the Section 8 program. The Portability Manager works with both portability in and portability out tenants providing a complete portability management solution.

For portability in, the Portability Manager provides the ability to produce a completed HUD Form 52665 Family Portability Information. This form in conjunction with the HUD Form 50058 Family Report produced by the 50058 Certification Manager creates the necessary billing information to provide to the initial housing authority. The Portability Manager also creates the recurring monthly billing and adjustments for the initial housing authority along with the ability to post payments when they are received.

The Portability Manager also provides the ability to manage portability out tenants as well. The ability to create payments for HAP, tenant utility reimbursements, and Family Self Sufficiency to the initial housing authority is provided. Transactions to make adjustments to regular monthly payments can also be entered. The payments to the initial housing authority can be in the form of either a check or direct deposit. Payments confirmations for all payments are also produced. Portability out payments can be produced as many times as required throughout each financial period.

To discover how PHA-Web can improve the management of your housing authority, please contact MCS at (608) 784-0354. A representative will provide more information about PHA-Web, provide a complete demonstration, and provide instructions on how to access the fully functional PHA-Web demonstration database including the Portability Manager.

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Fun Fact

Over 71 million dollars worth of portability out payments have been made on PHA-Web.