General Certification Manager

The General Certification Manager assists housing authorities in completing rent calculations for Connecticut, Massachusetts, Tax Credit, and Privately-Owned housing programs. The General Certification Manager calculates tenant rent for the Connecticut Affordable Housing, Congregate Housing, Moderate Rental, Moderate Rental with Extra Deductions, and State Elderly public housing programs and Connecticut Rental Assistance Program (RAP) and Transitional Rental Assistance Program (T-RAP). The General Certification Manager also performs the rent calculations for the Massachusetts 200, 667, 689, 705 State public housing programs and AHVP, DMH, and MRVP rental assistance programs.

The General Certification Manager also allows for the setup of general public housing and rental assistance programs. The programs can be used for Tax Credit and other Managed Property type programs.

The General Certification Manager utilizes the exclusive PHA-Web Red Flag Validation feature. This attribute provides real-time data validation as the form information for a program participant is entered. Invalid data is marked by a red flag as it is detected. A message explaining how to correct the data will be displayed as well.

The General Certification Manager produces a rent certification form, income and asset verification forms, and a rent calculation worksheet. The General Certification Manager is integrated with the Letter Manager to produce form letters to the family.

To discover how PHA-Web can improve the management of your housing authority, please contact MCS at (608) 784-0354. A representative will provide more information about PHA-Web, provide a complete demonstration, and provide instructions on how to access the fully functional PHA-Web demonstration database including the General Certification Manager.

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Fun Fact

Over 230,000 recertification forms for various programs have been completed on PHA-Web.