Performs rent certifications using HUD form 50058 and prints 50058 Family Reports, Privacy Act, Voucher, and many other HUD forms. It utilizes our exclusive Red Flag Validation System to validate 50058 forms in real time and help correct PIC errors before submission. 50058 Certification Manager integrates with Letter Manager to produce tenant, landlord, and income verification letters.
Adds and edits family information and creates virtual tenant files complete with tenant activity history in all PHA-Web components. The Family Manager features bar code scanning for fast tenant information retrieval.
Performs rent certifications for state, tax credit and privately owned properties and supports MA State 200, 667, 689, 705, AHVP, MRVP and DMH Programs as well. General Certification Manager interfaces with Letter Manager to produce tenant, landlord and income verification letters.
Performs rent reasonableness comparisons for Section 8 units. Comparison criteria fields are completely customizable to meet individual housing authority requirements.
Generates and prints rent certifications for programs using HUD form 50059 using the Red Flag Validation System to validate forms in real time. TRACS Manager integrates with Letter Manager to produce tenant and income verification letters.
Creates and adds applicants to multiple waiting lists. It integrates with Letter Manager to produce form letters for applicants and Vacated Tenant Manager to check applicants against a nationwide tenant database. Optionally, it can interface with housing authority web sites so applicants may apply and check their wait list position online.
Provides access to a nationwide tenant database that have been evicted or moved out in arrears. Housing authorities can add tenants to the database as required. Vacated Tenant Manager also tracks collections of funds owed to the housing authority.
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